Monday, June 23, 2008

Mini-Review: Last Chaos

This is a free to play, pay to win, MMO that was recently featured on one of those sites that list tons of free MMO's. It's called Last Chaos, it's a relatively small download for an MMO client (700mb?) and has decent graphics for a free game.

Character creation was very easy, and very limited. You can only be a human, and you can only choose from 5 classes. And in case you wondering, which you probably weren't, the class you pick also determines your gender. Someone played a bit too much Diablo II...

Anyway, I chose healer, and I was dumped right in the middle of what appeared to be some kind of tomb. Turns out this was some sort of dungeon underneath the city of Randol, and it was full of zombies! I could handle the zombies easily enough with my bow, but they certainly made it difficult with a very odd control system:

Left click on the ground- move to that spot
Left click on an enemy- move into range and attack
Left click on an enemy- select that enemy

In other words, you use the same button to move, select, and attack. It was awkward, but not unmanageable. Something I would have to figure out how to change before paying any money for the super duper features. Back to the zombies...

The zombies were mindless and slow, and died before they got to me. I had a special ability or two, but they were utterly useless to my autoattack at that point. I worked my way through a few dozen mindless guardians and simply clicked on the exit to finish the mini-tutorial. That's when I was immediately placed in what seemed to be the only city on my map. It was nearly impossible to tell what was going on that was appropriate to my level.

However, I was not completely lost. The first thing I did was seek out a class trainer, as I have played many RPG's in my day, and would not think of adventuring with outdated skills! I found the trainer, and had very little luck in actually deciphering what was actually available right off. It wasn't too terrible, just very unorganized for the most part. I trained the next level of my self heal and super bow attack thing, and headed off into the wilderness.

Journeying outside of Randol I ran into some other players killing foxes and wolves. I asked if I could join them, and didn't a single response for about 5 minutes, so I went off on my own. Equal level enemies were easy enough, and thanks to a 1.5x experience bonus buff, I was able to level fairly fast! It wasn't long before I was killing elder and dire wolves outside of town. But, as joyous as wolf extermination can be, I found my attention diverge to what appeared to be an angry sasquatch. Level 13. I was only 6 at that point, and thought it was about time to see what the death penalty was like.

I killed the sasquatch without getting hit. it wasn't just easy, it was too easy. A couple shots, run away, a few more shots, and the beast was done. I was disappointed, so I went after some level 17 beast of sorts. Thinking that this would be the end of me. The creature managed to hit me as I was overconfident and bored at this point, I took about 35% damage in the first hit. I soon realized how easy it was to simply run away and lure him around the entire wilderness slowly depleting his life, and enjoyed an entire level when I finally defeated him. I was unimpressed.

It was about this time that I realized I had some quests queuing up that I could acquire from mysterious sources out in the wilderness. I clicked the icon on my GUI display and quickly discovered that I was too high level for most of them already. Apparently you have to be the exact level for the quest to get anything out of it. And these weren't the kinds of quests that helped you level by loading you with XP, these were quests that teach fundamentals of out of combat gameplay. I still don't know how to get my spare items of good or better quality transmuted. Something about Lorraine?

Anyway, the game was enjoyable, but not worth committing to. If you're super broke, and really need something to do with your time, give it a shot, it's at least entertaining. But, unfortunately, I see no benefit or satisfaction out of getting far in the game.

For a freebie? Above average. Paying for it? Not for me.

-Lance of the Healer People

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