Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chronicle: Krellion's First Day

Doctor Wilven sighed, "It's not easy up on the wall, you sure you got what it takes?"

Krellion, the Warlord, looked at him through his Feyborn eyes and replied, "Yes."

"Straight to the facts. Ok, I'll introducte you to Captain Shreev." Wilven burst out of the door to his his home and office and into the streets of Villehelm, Krellion walked firmly by his side. Neither of them showing the slightest inflection of emotion as they marched toward the northern gate of the village.

The northern gate to the village was quite impressive considering the amount of people and resources that they were able to expend in these parts. It was nearly 30 feet high, which was just out of reach of the largest giant they have yet to see, and braced on either side by enormous hunks of metal. The metal hunks appeared to be nothing more than a collecting of wagon rims, horseshoes, and old weapons and tools fused into 40 foot long polls. This was keeping the main gate from falling to the swings of 15 foot stone clubs.

Krellion was led up the stairs inside the gatehouse to a small office on what could only be called the second floor. Captain Shreev was there, and he wasn't breathing.

Captain Shreev was not living. At least, not in the traditional sense. He was not undead either. He had a soul, but it was bound to the object that he, and everyone around him, considered his body. There was no flesh, no blood, no heart, but he still felt. He was a warforged, and he was the most valuable asset Villehelm has ever had.

"The warforged are more than just metallic statues of fierce warriors, they are soulful, and they are not too different from those born of more natural methods." Said Wilven. He can think, and care, and hate. To us, he is another person, and a member of our family.

"Are you ready for your first mission?"

Krellion nodded.

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