Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Denizens of Villehelm

This post is one of many that I will be doing to help structure my own setting, while giving examples and ideas to other DM's and world crafters.

The Denizens of Villehelm:

Innkeeper - Vinn Rin Talbin
Vinn keeps the Inn, that's his job, and it's his life. He is married to Celia Talbin, and has no children. He is of average height, and is a stocky but confident man. He always wears a particular vest that is light and composed of worn faded leather. He is often happy in his work, and is the unofficial town greeter when it comes to adventurers in the village.

Blacksmith - Letigit Stripe
Letigit is an Eladrin who was abandoned during a battle for contested lands between Dwarves and Eladrin. She was mistakenly taken from the Eladrin village by a pillaging Dwarf, and was raised by a kind family in the mountains. She is exceptionally tall and muscular for an Eladrin, and gruffly makes the towns weapons by day, while drinking a gallon of ale every other night.

Doctor - Truss Wilven
Average in appearance, and deliberate in action, Truss Wilven is the most well known and respected member of Villehelm. He has straight brown hair, light green eyes, and every bit about him is completely average and ordinary. Except for his pipe. You wouldn't notice him if he was the only person standing in the center of the town square, but as soon as you get to know the Doctor, you find out what he lacks in appearance, he makes up for in actions.

The MLA Ambassador - Gunvel Slantern
What's an MLA Ambassador? Well, you'll have to ask the neighborhood gnome, Gunvel Slantern. He knows all about the MLA, and will talk about if for hours on end. It is wise to not bring up such things around him, but if you need anything that you normally wouldn't find on the beaten path, this guy is your best bet. Certifiably Gnomish.

The Town Eldest - Arthur Jonathon Thomas
A former Paladin, and defender of all that is just, Arthur is the most bullheaded and stubborn man in the village. Which is why he's in politics. The council of elders consists of 4 members plus the eldest, who is not actually the oldest, but the most revered among the elders. Arthur is easily angered, and would not be caught dead offering his own solution to any sort of conflict or problem. He is deeply religious though, and is a devout worshipper of Pelor.

The Stable Boy - Tanigan Alabhad
From far off lands, it is unkown how Tanigan ever made it to the hills before the mountains. He has a darker skin tone than other humans in this area, and he is often ridiculed by others for it. He pays little notice, and does his work diligently, and happily. Tanigan has his own dreams of becoming an adventurer someday, and it is well known that his strongest desire lies in returning to whence he came.

Well, that's a good start for now. In future posts there may be some more detailed information about one of these characters, and there will certainly be more of these mini-bio's in the future.

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