Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chronicle: Of Politics and Prejudice

A.J. Thomas was not the oldest member of the village, yet he held the title, Eldest. He has seen few more than 50 winters, and still goes strong to this day. His position in Villehelm is one of great posterity, and one of great importance. He and four other elders oversee the business and politics that are designed to protect and nurture their fellow villagers.

It was this day though, that A.J. Thomas, or Eldest Thomas, as he preferred to be addressed as, was having a bit of turmoil with one his most valuable assets.

"Goblins in the forest kill without mercy, Eldest. Each of them risked their lives to get us this medicine. And all they've got from us so far is a free night at the inn and a few meals." Doctor Truss Wilven was accosting the Elder Council at this point. The 5 of them sat straight backed against their oaken chairs, staring at a kneeling Doctor pleading.

Eldest Thomas snorted, his wrinkled bronze nose leaked a bit as he took a dirty cloth to his face. He spoke with muffled words through the cloth, "I don't understand..."

"We would have lost 10 men doing the same-" Wilven burst out.

"And they will be compensated doctor." Thomas interrupted him, "But, can you prove to me that we could not have got a cleric here in ample time for less money to perform a decleansing? I believe there is one that is able to teleport and perform a ritual for less than 700 gold pieces these days. Why did we not pursue this option?"

"Damnit, Arthur. This is not why I'm here, and this has nothing to do with your damned gods!" Wilven was extremely tired by this point. Tired and irritable, as many doctors are.

Thomas sighed, "Now now, I understand that you were simply trying to help, but perhaps you might reconsider consulting the council before sending wanderers off to perform life threatening tasks in the name of our village. Perhaps we will look the other way on this one, and let you reward them from your own pocket?"

Wilven spat, "You! You bitter old Paladin. You think that an atheist doctor is a threat to your god maybe? That people will start believing in me rather than believe in your mystics?" He started to clench his fist as tight as he could, a drop of blood trickled out from under the one fingernail he had not chewed to the bone. "I'm sorry. I should... not... have spoken that way. I request that you not punish these heroes, and take out whatever necessary discipline you feel necessary out on me."

"And we shall do both. But you may find some things changing soon, good doctor." Thomas laughed, "In fact, you can be assured they will change. And you can be assured they will change you. They will receive 800 gold pieces from our treasury, and we shall deliberate on your punishment until tomorrow. You may rest now, at 8 bells we will see you back here, and you will know our decision."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff. Oh and in my last comment I meant to say "not in a comment" regarding my back-story because I was asking about doing my back-story in a post. I'm such a silly goose with my words. Got my books and I'll see you Friday.

Hill People