Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mini-Review: Dungeon Runners

This post will be done in entirely in the style of what it feels like to play this free to play, pay for premium MMO.

Ok, made my character, didn't have a lot of options. Choice of Fighter, Ranger, or Mage, and all of the options were either satirical, sarcastic, or particularly dooming, but I choose fighter. I'm looking at a 3rd person view here, and it looks like someone nearby has a yellow eclamation point. I've seen that before. Ok, it appears to be a Noobsaurus. That's funny? I talk to the Noobasaur, Noobasaurus is HILARIOUS. I find myself reading every word of his tutorialistic quests, and can't read a single one without letting a full laugh escape the dungeon of my gullet.

So I guess I've got a quest from the Noobsaurus to try to get my support ticket answered. My number is 54,000,001?! Funny, but only because it's true. I guess I'll check out this guy with a quest. Turns out he's in line to get his support ticket answered, but he's willing to trade tickets if I do him a favor. This goes on, and eventually I trade with the guy with ticket number 2, and I get a quest that lets my leave the starting area.

MEANWHILE: I'm getting other quests from people, and townspeople are giving me rude and sarcastic remarks, while the hermit who lives near a bunch of people sounds exactly like Krusty the Klown. The quests almost all take place within a dungeon known as the Dew Valley Forest, and the gameplay is almost exactly like Diablo. They even have weapon and armor descriptions that involve 2-3 suffixes and prefixes that include lots of animal names and irrelevant adjectives.

I walk in with two of my friends, and we plow through waves of wolves and rat people to complete the first 3 levels of the dungeon. No problem. We take a trip back to town, and one of the guys gives us a quest to kill some rat boss at the bottom. We enter his lair, and hip hop music starts playing. Chalk it up to odd choice of exciting dungeon music and move on. I die. The death penatly is 100% negligible at this stage, and I simply teleport instantly (at no cost) to my teammates. Action resumes. We bust through the lair, fighting as hard as we can, and the final boss is a rat guy with a posse. The posse members carry a boombox and there are some huge subwoofers in the rats lair. I let out a couple laughs, and when I go to turn in the quest, the quest giver remarks that I'm the 109th person to inform him that Rattle is dead. He chooses to believe me though, and gives me the reward.

This goes on.

Long story short, download Dungeon Runners. Playing is free, so just give it a shot, and make sure to read what those quest givers are talking about!

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