Friday, July 4, 2008

Getting Comfy With Your Gaming

Everyone has their own little nuances and strategies of getting into the gaming groove. I would like to share mine today.

First off, it depends on the game that I'm playing, how long I have to play it, and what I'm looking for when I play. The default stance is to shove as much of my body below the chest underneath the desk, and recline as hard as I possibly can. The real goal is to get a 30 degree angle going here, so that I'm practically lying down, but still able to get into a straight sitting position of things get heated.

If I'm playing anything split screen, I like to sit cross-legged on the floor as close to the TV as I can without getting in the view of people behind me. This is mostly due to a vision problem that was likely caused by sitting too close to the TV screen when I was younger.

When I play just to mess around, I usually enjoy a drink or two, especially if I'm raiding in an MMO, and it's all old content. By the time we get to a new boss, I'll be sober enough to still perform well. My drink of choice is usually a glass of brandy, but I will also enjoy a fine, hand-crafted, ginger ale now and again. A steaming cup of hot chocolate goes well on a cold winters morning though.

If I'm playing a FPS, I don't want any food or snacks, because if I'm playing a FPS, I want to be as into the game as I can be, or I start to see my stats waning. I love to challenge myself to get good scores while still contributing to the victory of my team.

PvP on an MMO will usually find me drinking straight rum, and maybe even smoking a bit of sweet tobacco out of my friends hookah. This combination is extremely rare though, I usually don't smoke from a hookah more than once every couple months on average. The smoothness of the smoke coupled with the sting of a good rum is the exact combination to keep me from getting irate when PvP starts getting heated.

D&D I like to run with a full meal just before, and a short snack break at least mid-way through. If the players haven't had two encounters yet, I like to hold off until at least then. I also enjoy sitting in my rolly/swively office chair with one book in lap, and most of my DM tools scattered across the board. I personally don't mind when my players see what I roll, and I honestly have no qualms about telling them something hit or didn't hit when the die roll says it should or shouldn't have. It's mostly a personal thing, other DM's have different relationships with their players though, so that's not for everybody. Oh, and all the players fill up the two couches that are opposite where I keep my chair. It's hard to explain, maybe I'll have Apples diagram it in MS Paint with sweet illustrations for you guys...

Anyway, post your gaming pose in the comments by all means. I'd like to hear how other get comfy in their gaming.

-Lance of the Chill People

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is quite simply an AWESOME diagram and totally how we sit in order. Also I'M A FREAKIN' DWARF!

Hill People